Sunday, February 1, 2009

A New Month

February 2009

Cause: Filling needs (slightly different than what I'd been planning on doing pre-January, but something Jesus wants us to do, and something I feel I should be doing more of)

Action: Pray and ask God daily to help me recognize the needs of others; Meet at least one need daily - small or large; Share what I'm doing with others, i.e. blog :)

I'm going to meet a need today, I'm determined to. Since I took a longer nap than I meant to (you have to turn the alarm on, not just set it >.< ), I'm getting a later start than I wanted, but I have a pretty good idea of what I'm doing today. God spoke to my heart this morning before church and then reinforced it with a conversation not much later.

I'll update later tonight with my met need.

Hopefully I'll be able to update daily what I'm doing. Regardless of whether or not I update every day, I'm meeting needs Sunday-Saturday.

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