Thursday, February 5, 2009

Let's Play Catch-Up! And Add a Thought to the End

Day Three

Four hours of my day was spent exclusively with my amazing mum. She was having a tough time with my dad being in the hospital and wasn't able to sleep. So, from 12AM-4AM we had battled it out in Uno. It was nice to spend time with her and to be able to distract her from her sadness.


Day Four

My lack of Bible-reading caught up with me, and I wasn't provided with a need to meet. However, I had one of my needs met at our mid-week Prayer Gathering. Apparently there were a few of us who had fallen out of the reading routine, and it was manifesting itself in an overall blah-feeling. God put me back on track, and I'm so happy for it!


Day Five

Today I helped my PW pick out, fill out, and stamp a card to send out from our church family to some members celebrating their anniversary. I have to drop it in the mailbox.

And Now the Thought

I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping for some bigger needs to meet when I was planning in January. Something monumental that would change the world and me for the better. Apparently God has different plans for me. I'm going to continue to pray and continue to fill the needs that God shows me, and hopefully learn something along the way. I have to also remember that God's not going to give me anything big to do unless I first take care of the smaller things He's already given me. So, to the dishes I go. :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

Brittany I just wanted to say that you are one special "chicka" =). I got it off of Joshua's picture of the Wednesday Night group at the Reynolds home. lol

God has truly blessed me and our church family above and beyond when he placed you in our church. God is using you greatly and I'm excited to see many more things that God will be having you do.