Friday, February 13, 2009

The Tarp Post

It's been a minute since I've updated, so I thought I'd post today. Plus I have time! Yay! LOL

My mum was reading my blog the other day, and she pointed out that I posted about Dad going to the hospital, but I didn't post when he came home. Just to clarify, my dad did come home last Wednesday. He's doing TONS better. Thank you all for your prayers. He's doing so well. It's such a relief to have my dad back. Love you, Daddy!^^

As for Filling Needs for February (I like the alliteration. Such a nerd...), I gave a bag of clothes to my neighbor who lost her house. I had a whole bunch of things I'd outgrown, so I washed it and took it over.

I've also been taking my chores more seriously. Mum gave me Kitchen Duty, and I've been doing my best to take care of it like I would my own kitchen. I'm not going to lie, it's hard not being out on my own sometimes, so I "play house" here. LOL The kitchen has been kept up quite well though, and so has my laundry, which I usually slack on.

I cooked some eggrolls for Dad the other day, and he said it was so good that he threatened to eat his hands because they smelled like eggroll. LOL This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I'm considered the Microwave Queen, the Un-Chef, and the Oven Mitt Mutilator (I caught one on fire once!). It was nice to cook something and really have my dad enjoy it.^^

Lastly, I'd like to ask for your prayers on my own behalf. I've been having a hard time with my little brother. I've been losing my temper with him a lot, and it's not helping our relationship. I realize that I need to keep my cool even when things get crazy, and I need to love him like Jesus loves him, so please pray that I will be able to do that. Thanks so much!

'Til next post!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The sun setting over Deleware Lake

The tiniest maple leaf ever!

Pretty yellow berries

At the park was a giant hill that had eroded until it was just half a hill. It was totally awesome-looking, so Joshua walked into four inches of pretty chilly water to get a picture. >.<

This is the sledding hill that he thought would be a good idea to hike up. It was slushy, muddy, and steep. I was in my only decent pair of sneakers, but I agreed to it anyway. The picture doesn't quite do it justice. It was reeeeeeeeeeealy steep.

Top of the sledding hill

Josh thought it would be funny to take a picture of the "Reddick Shelter" sign because I thought it said "Redneck Shelter". Dork.

Then he found a lost relic and decided to take a picture.

My photographic skills^^

It's hard to see because of the lighting, but it's a torn open wasps' nest. Or some kind of flying, stinging insect nest. >.<

I was joking with Joshua that this tree was big enough to stuff him in if he kept taking the camera/phone from me.

This one's a bridge. Obviously.^^
I'm out of pictures for now, but I'll probably post more some other time. I'm new at the whole picture-taking, picture-posting process, but I'll get the hang of it.^^ 'Til next time!

Monday, February 9, 2009

And Then The Roller Coaster Took a Sharp Left...

Last night my neighbor's trailer burned to the ground. Everyone got out okay, but now a family of six is without their home. At the moment they're staying with family, just to the left of my house.

I cried as I watched it burn, repeating over and over again that it wasn't fair. This family has faced so many heartaches these past couple years. There is something I've noticed about them though - they don't give up. They stick together like a real family should, they pray, and they persevere. At this very moment, a woman, her son, her daughter, her son-in-law, her four grandchildren, and several of her friends, are sitting next door laughing. They're enjoying each others' company, sharing stories, and getting through the tough times with a whole lot of hope and faith that things will get better.

Though the family isn't of my denomination, though they're not of my race, they're amazing people who have taught me so much. I love you and your family, Esther. I'll be praying for you all.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Nature Walk!

Joshua and I took a nature walk today at the Fort Harrison State Park. It. Was. Awesome! I wasn't feeling well, but oddly enough, I felt better outside than I did at home. Maybe I'm allergic to my house? LOL Here are a couple pictures of my souvenirs. There are more pictures on Joshua's phone as soon as we figure out how to get them onto the computer. >.<

This is my fun little plant thing. I thought it was adorable. If you turn it so it's standing up, it looks like a tree from Whoville. Ya know, Dr.Seuss!
See! Just imagine it pink. LOL

Joshua actually managed to find me a flower in the middle of winter! It's dry and dead, but it's still pretty. Plus, the branch smells kinda minty, so it's like it's still alive. LOL

Like I said, there are more pictures. I'll have them up soon hopefully!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Let's Play Catch-Up! And Add a Thought to the End

Day Three

Four hours of my day was spent exclusively with my amazing mum. She was having a tough time with my dad being in the hospital and wasn't able to sleep. So, from 12AM-4AM we had battled it out in Uno. It was nice to spend time with her and to be able to distract her from her sadness.


Day Four

My lack of Bible-reading caught up with me, and I wasn't provided with a need to meet. However, I had one of my needs met at our mid-week Prayer Gathering. Apparently there were a few of us who had fallen out of the reading routine, and it was manifesting itself in an overall blah-feeling. God put me back on track, and I'm so happy for it!


Day Five

Today I helped my PW pick out, fill out, and stamp a card to send out from our church family to some members celebrating their anniversary. I have to drop it in the mailbox.

And Now the Thought

I'm not gonna lie, I was hoping for some bigger needs to meet when I was planning in January. Something monumental that would change the world and me for the better. Apparently God has different plans for me. I'm going to continue to pray and continue to fill the needs that God shows me, and hopefully learn something along the way. I have to also remember that God's not going to give me anything big to do unless I first take care of the smaller things He's already given me. So, to the dishes I go. :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day Two

February 2

Today for "Fulfilling Needs" I'm feeding my brothers while my mum is at the hospital with my dad. I'm also cleaning up around the house. It's nothing huge, but I think it's a great way to be a blessing to my mom.

Day One

February 1

I got home really late last night from church, so I didn't finish meeting my need for yesterday, but I'll finish today. I'm making a card for my neighbor who is deaf. He and I had a brief conversation yesterday morning when he asked me how my dad was doing. He'd seen him taken by an ambulance to the hospital (more on that later) and wanted to make sure he was okay. God had spoken to my heart just minutes before talking with my neighbor on how I should be more neighborly and reach out to them. He and his girlfriend are both deaf, but I know for a fact that he (I don't know his name!) can read lips, and we've communicated through writing and simple signs before. My brother Brian, who has gigantic feet, has his own sign - pointing to your shoe. LOL


My dad went to the hospital Saturday due to horrible stomach pains and excessive vomitting. He has Chron's Disease, and it's really bad. The disease ate a hole through his large intestine, so they put him on two different antibiotics. He's also on two different steroids, potassium, dextrose, and ... wait, that might be it. Oh, and morphine. Yeah, lots o' drugs. He hasn't thrown up since Saturday, which is awesome, but he hasn't been able to eat or drink everything. We're avoiding surgery for the hole in his intestine because any trauma to his diseased organs will cause the Chron's to spread, in which case they'd have to keep cutting 'til there's nothing left for the Chron's to attack - esophogus to large intestine.

Please keep my dad in your prayers. He could definitely use it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A New Month

February 2009

Cause: Filling needs (slightly different than what I'd been planning on doing pre-January, but something Jesus wants us to do, and something I feel I should be doing more of)

Action: Pray and ask God daily to help me recognize the needs of others; Meet at least one need daily - small or large; Share what I'm doing with others, i.e. blog :)

I'm going to meet a need today, I'm determined to. Since I took a longer nap than I meant to (you have to turn the alarm on, not just set it >.< ), I'm getting a later start than I wanted, but I have a pretty good idea of what I'm doing today. God spoke to my heart this morning before church and then reinforced it with a conversation not much later.

I'll update later tonight with my met need.

Hopefully I'll be able to update daily what I'm doing. Regardless of whether or not I update every day, I'm meeting needs Sunday-Saturday.