Saturday, January 10, 2009

Just an Update

I have been extremely tired here lately, and I couldn't figure out why. For about a week or two, I've been gasping for air, and my heart would race for about a minute, and then I'd be fine again. Well, Friday I figured out why.

I arrived at the ER at 9:30 Friday morning hardly able to breathe. Being 19 now, and an adult, I had to fill out my own paperwork. Due to lack of oxygen to the brain, I was having a hard time thinking of words and putting them together in a sentence. So, when I had to fill out the reason why I was there, I put "rapid heartbeat; not enough air; numb toes and hands". Apparently "not enough air" is a good enough reason to get you back quickly. Which is awesome.

I was diagnosed with heart palpitations and had to get some pricks and pokes so they could draw some blood. They're testing me for a hyper- or hypo-active thyroid, the latter of which runs in my family. I have to go back this Tuesday so some more doctors can look at me and try to pinpoint exactly what's wrong and what they should do about it.

I'm not at all fond of being tired all the time. I'm not getting anything done, and the lack of air isn't helping. Please pray for me and the doctors that will be seeing me. Hopefully I'll be back to my projects in no time.^^


Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

I'm will be praying extra hard for you tomorrow!

pastor mike said...

I just stopped by to tell you I'm here, I'm reading, and we're really proud of you.

Now Mrs. Kristy tells me - INDIRECTLY, THROUGH A BLOG COMMENT - that I need to pray for you.

And so I will.