Sunday, March 15, 2009


I was scolded by my mother for not updating in a while, so I figured that a month is long enough to wait. ^^

I haven't updated in a while for a few reasons, but the main reason is I was misusing it. You see, I was filling the needs of others, not because it was something Jesus wanted me to do, but because I didn't want to look bad on my blog. I know, lame. And stupid. So, I took a break and worked on getting my priorities straight. Which I think has been going quite well. :)

I've been enjoying my Bible reading rather than treating it like a chore, and I've been talking to God with the utmost of honesty about absolutely everything. Turns out, God knows how much I want my own house to clean and decorate and take care of. He knows how much I want to start my own family. He understands that I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing, and He's been helping me get through it all. He's finally becoming my best friend. ^_^

Something else I noticed is I've been making more cards. I love to make cards, and, ironically enough, after I stopped blogging about filling needs, I actually started filling more of them. After I put God in the number one slot where He belongs, He started showing me how I could reach out with my passsion for paper. I made a card for a lady who's come to our church a couple times, but, being busy as a foster mom, she hasn't come in a while. I aslo made a card for Mary Katherine, a wonderful lady I met on our trips to a local nursing home. I plan on taking it to her Tuesday. I was going to mail it, but I don't know her last name, and I don't know if it would get to her or not. >.<

Sssooo, that's that. My updated blog post. LOL I'll post again SOON!

'Til next time!

*This post is dedicated to me mumsy, who apparently likes my blog :) *

1 comment:

Mrs. Kristy Rowell said...

You should listen to you Mumsy, she's right you know!

I'm glad that you posted.

Keep up the good work!