Monday, January 26, 2009

Oh, and also...

I ran into a problem with my "Cause of the Month". I did some reading, I cleaned out my closets, I wrote a post... Then I realized I didn't know what else to do. Heh... Yeah. I'll work on better planning for next month. >.<

Seriously though next month will be much better, I promise. I'm working now to get some ideas together, and I'm actually going to seek some advice from others rather than try to do it all on my own.

It's slighty embarassing that this month kinda flopped, but I'm looking at it as motivation to do better next time. Whoot!^^

I'll Have the Seakitten Sticks!

I realized last night that, not only have I not updated my blog in a while, I haven't included the "Creating" part in my posts. I decided to do that today.^^

I love crafts. Here lately I've been enjoying card-making. I found some really awesome books at the library and learned how to do more with what I have, which isn't much due to my economical state. (In other words, I'm broke. >.< ) I really like this waterfall mechanism I found in the book Paper Pop Up. I made a card using this technique for my boyfriend, and my brother saw it and loved it. So today I surprised him with one.

He loves fish, so I used that as my theme.

I then used the panels of the card for a small comic strip. By the way, PETA really does want to change their names. ... You'll see.

I really like the way the card looks really complicated when in all actuality it's fairly simple. Here's an "action shot".

OOooo... Action shot. Sorry.

Anyhow, I thought I'd start making cards more often. Everyone enjoys receiving a card, and I enjoy making them and seeing others light up when they get it. It seems like a simple enough equasion.^^

Oh, and as an extra added bonus, here's a picture of my puppy.

Isn't she cute?!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Just an Update

I have been extremely tired here lately, and I couldn't figure out why. For about a week or two, I've been gasping for air, and my heart would race for about a minute, and then I'd be fine again. Well, Friday I figured out why.

I arrived at the ER at 9:30 Friday morning hardly able to breathe. Being 19 now, and an adult, I had to fill out my own paperwork. Due to lack of oxygen to the brain, I was having a hard time thinking of words and putting them together in a sentence. So, when I had to fill out the reason why I was there, I put "rapid heartbeat; not enough air; numb toes and hands". Apparently "not enough air" is a good enough reason to get you back quickly. Which is awesome.

I was diagnosed with heart palpitations and had to get some pricks and pokes so they could draw some blood. They're testing me for a hyper- or hypo-active thyroid, the latter of which runs in my family. I have to go back this Tuesday so some more doctors can look at me and try to pinpoint exactly what's wrong and what they should do about it.

I'm not at all fond of being tired all the time. I'm not getting anything done, and the lack of air isn't helping. Please pray for me and the doctors that will be seeing me. Hopefully I'll be back to my projects in no time.^^

Friday, January 2, 2009

Pants vs. God - My Personal Story

(First of all, I just want to say I never thought I'd type a title like that. Very rarely do I make myself giggle, but I did just now. >.< )

I don't wear pants! I wear skirts! I wear dresses! I wear culottes! As of three days ago, I wore pajama pants to bed, but even those are out! And the reason I threw pants out of my wardrobe is God doesn't want women to wear pants!

I had to shout it. I had to let the world know. My eleven-year-old cousin asked me a few weeks ago, "Sissy, why are you wearing a skirt? It's like three degrees out here!" I told her that I don't wear pants anymore, and then she asked the obvious next question, "Why?"

I had my opportunity to share with her a little bit about God and about Jesus, and instead of being excited like I should have been, for some reason I felt embarassed. "Because, now be quiet." What kind of answer is that? I felt so ashamed of myself later that I cried to God, asking for Him to forgive me and give me the opportunity to redeem myself, or at least try. And now my story.

Mrs.Kristy is my pastor's wife. I love her to death. I'm ashamed to say it wasn't always that way. When I first met Mrs.Kristy, God and I weren't getting along. At all. My heart was so against God and everything He stood for that when I met Mrs.Kristy I couldn't stand her because she LOVES God and EVERYTHING He stands for. She was a walking, talking, living, breathing Bible for me, and I couldn't stand it. When I noticed she only wore skirts, I was afraid she'd ask me to do the same. I whipped out my Bible to do some research, hoping to figure out ways to counter her skirt-attack.

Then I realized that I didn't really know how to use my Bible, so I just did my Bible reading Pastor had given at Learning Environments. I read Deuteronomy 21 and 22, and came across an interesting verse, one I'm sure you've heard at least reference to. "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." I'd found Deuteronomy 22:5. I took note of the passage and thought to myself, "Well, I found these jeans in the women's section, so I'm fine."

A few days later I found a verse related to modesty, and I can't for the life of me find where I wrote it down in my notes. It was then that I decided that I wouldn't wear my jeans. They were extremely tight, and not at all modest. But my sweatpants? Come on. There was nothing immodest about them. So, I wore them.

It wasn't long after that Pastor invited my boyfriend Joshua and I to visit his family in Illinois. So, we packed up and went. I don't remember if it was the ride there or the ride back when Mrs.Kristy drove, but whichever it was, I was stuck up front with her. She'd started to grow on me, but there was still the skirt thing. Did I have to wear them all the time? Really? I asked her about skirts, and we talked for a while, and what I got out of it was this: Women are supposed to be modest. We're not supposed to draw attention to our body that will cause others to sin.

I could totally pull that off in sweatpants. Sweatpants aren't going to give anyone unsavory thoughts. But then they did. I noticed that people, well guys, were still looking at me. I went home from the store, after being looked at once again, and prayed. I asked God to forgive me because I realized that I'd done wrong. You really can't be modest in pants. Really. Not even the sweatpants. Women are full of curves, which aren't wrong to have, but are wrong to show off to others. Pants are going to show off your body in a way that a skirt never will. You can't see every detail of a woman's body with a skirt, but pants are made to hug the body, even the sweat pants or "loose-fitting" pants. Dressing immodestly is going to cause someone else to sin. I didn't want that. I wanted to be closer to God and realized that even the sweatpants had to go.

So, the pants are gone, the skirts and dresses are in, and I love my pastor's wife. She's an amazing lady who, thank God, didn't give up on me and my hateful attitude. And God and I continue to grow closer, too. Thank you, God, for not giving up on me and my hateful attitude, my sinful tendencies, and my efforts that will always fall short. Thank you, God, for Jesus, for Your Word that I can enjoy and learn from, and for Your love.

Pants: 0
God: All