Thursday, May 7, 2009

Philip & Wal-Mart

Isn't it cool when God shows you stories in the Bible and shows you stories in present-day that relate? Isn't it even cooler when God shows you stories in the Bible and makes you a part of stories that relate?

Today I read Acts 2-11. Acts 8:26-39 tells of Philip being directed by the angel of the Lord. Philip was told to go to Jerusalem, so he went. There in Jerusalem was a man from Ethiopia who had come up to worship. He was sitting in his chariot reading about the prophet Esaias and not really understanding what he was reading. The Holy Spirit spoke to Philip and told him to "go near, and join [him]self to this chariot."

Philip went to the chariot and heard the Ethiopian man reading, so he asked him if he understood it. The Ethiopian man said, "How can I, except some man should guide me?" Philip explained all about what the man was reading, telling him about Jesus, and His gift of salvation. When the chariot came to water, the man wanted to be baptized, and, after confirming that he understood, Philip baptized the man.

How cool is that? The Holy Spirit led Philip to a place that he wouldn't have otherwise been to meet someone who wanted to know more about God. That happened to Mrs.Kristy and I today.

We were mosying around Wal-Mart, not looking at anything in particular, and actually spending more time than we really needed to in the clearance aisle, when we were approached by a lady who wanted to know what church we went to. Our skirts gave us away. Apparently our clothing really does speak wonders about us! :)

This woman shared with us that her daughter needed to find another church and that she was worried about not finding a "holy, Bible-preaching church". After talking with the lady for about 10 minutes, we exchanged information with her. Then she shared with me how I should stay with God and submit to Him and I will be blessed beyond my wildest dreams. I know she's right. :)

Isn't that the coolest?! This lady was searching for something, and God guided us together to get answers for her. AWESOME!