Monday, December 8, 2008

Taking the First Step...

I am creating a blog. Again. Hopefully this time I'm able to stay on top of things and make it worth reading. My last blog wasn't even fun for me, which pretty much means it wasn't worth having. Anyway! Moving on...

This blog post is the first step for me in a long journey. I hope my "journey" has more substance than the cliche I used to desribe it. Anyhow, I am trying to gather my life together and head in a new direction with it. I accepted Jesus into my heart and life this past March, and I feel that I've grown a lot even since then. I plan on continuing that growing process and documenting it here for the world to see. And for me to keep track of.^^

I want to do so much with my life, none of which would really generate me any kind of income. It's sad that I won't be able to support myself with my passion(s) (at least not at the moment), but at the same time, I don't care because I love it so much, hence "passion(s)". (I have to stop with the parentheses...) Some of the things that I absolutely love to do include crafting. I LOVE making things. I currently have this desire to sew, but at the moment I have no working sewing machine, just lots of fabric, dreams, and antsy fingers. It's sad really. I also want to learn to cook, something that can't be too terribly hard, yet something that I haven't yet mastered. I also happen to love God. I love to write lesson plans for Bible studies, and I even taught one once, but that was a while ago. I hope to start up a young ladies' Bible study in my neighborhood eventually, but there are preparations that need taking care of first.

I told you all that to tell you this: I hope to take all my passions and combine them into something amazing. I want to decorate my church and my eventual Bible studies with my crafts. I want to sew gifts for the people around me that I love. I want to cook and host those that come to my Bible studies and to my church. I want to learn to play the piano and lead a group of people in song, singing directly to our Father in Heaven. I want so much to do so much more for God, and I don't even know how exactly to do that, but I figure that I can't go wrong by using my talents that God has given me to bring glory to Him.

I want my blog to not just document what I've done so I can come back and look at it later, but also so that someone reading in another city, state, country, point in their journey can read what I'm writing and give me their opinions, comments, constructive criticisms, bits of encouragement, and stories of wisdom. I want, not only to inspire those that read my blog to use their talents to bring glory to God, but I also want you to comment me and inspire me with your words. I want a place where I can further communicate with the ladies in my Bible study group, and I want a place where I can share what I'm doing in my life. And, in the process, I'll try to keep it from being boring.^^

'Til next post,
Brittany :)

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